Department Of Tamil

Tamil is one of the ancient classical languages in the world. It is very rich with vast literary works. As literature is considered to be a subject which teaches life and everything, the department desires to provide sound knowledge in Tamil language and literature to the students. The Department of Tamil was established in the year 1950. The Department guides, trains and encourages students to participate in various on and off campus programmes, with which, the department believes, the students hone their hidden talents, skills and abilities. The faculty members too, update themselves by pursuing higher studies, presenting papers in conferences, publishing articles in Journals and authoring books. Along with regular classroom teaching, steps are being taken to tap the talents of students through elocution, poem writing, essay writing and other literary competitions conducted annually.


SI .No. Faculty, Qualification & Designation Profile
1. Mr. R.Arulnithi, M.A., Tamil, M.Phil., M.A., Journalism
- Assistant Professor & Head I/C
2. Dr. S.Amar, M.A., Ph.D. - Assistant Professor View
3. Dr.K.Arumugam, M.A., M.Phil.Ph.D. - Assistant Professor View