Department Of English

The Department of English was established in the year 1965. The vision of the Dept. is to facilitate students to enrich their communication skills in the English language and inculcate in them a love for reading and interpreting literature. The department believes that students should understand the “meaning” of literature in terms of social, cultural, aesthetic, and intellectual movements, in addition to enriching themselves with core skills through general English subjects, and the Dept. is striving hard towards achieving the same, bettering with time and sustaining.


SI .No. Faculty, Qualification & Designation Profile
1. Mr. R.Roselin, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed.
- Assistant Professor & Head I/C
2. Ms. E.Kaveri, M.A., M.Phil., - Assistant Professor View
3. Ms. G.Mohana Priya, M.A., B.Ed.,M.Phil., - Assistant Professor View